Thursday, October 11, 2007

We have a Passport!

We are happy to announce that we received Sarah's passport today. After first arriving at the wrong location we finally found where we were supposed to be. Instead of getting to 40A Hang Bai street, we went to 48 Hang Bai street. They sound pretty close in English, even closer if your getting directions from someone with a vietnamese accent. The good news, is we got it!

This morning we toured the Ho Chi Mihn museum and mauseluem, and saw the one pillar pagoda again. Since Dave missed our city tour, Sarah and I decided to give him our own tour. We did the condensed version today. We did in 25 minutes what took us an hour and a half with the guide. I gave Dave as much history as I could remember and made up the rest. :)

We hit a milestone today when we went to the Ministry of Police to pick up Sarah's passport. A friend of Truan's, a young vietnamese woman came up to Sarah and outstretched her arms to pick her up and muttered something to her in vietnamese. Sarah, for the first time, held on tightly to me and was reluctant to go to her. She gave in and went to the woman, then she pointed to Dave and I and said we were her momma and daddy and then she quickly wanted to come back to us. :)

A little info about the pictures: Sarah with the big American Breakfast. (Yes, she pretty much ate it all) The Koi fish that Sarah and Dave are playing with or taunting, were in Ho Chi Mihn's giant Koi pond. (If you clap your hands hard they will come to the surface for food) Finally, the red flower that Sarah is pointing to is the Phuong flower that she was originally named after. (They are not supposed to be in season now, but we were fortunate to see one.)

Sarah also got her first tummy zurbert. She laughed and laughed! All in all, it was a good day here in Vietnam.

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