Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Safely in Hanoi

God is Good! His goodness and mercy are amazing. After a not so good night sleep, (Sarah had several night terrors and crying episodes) we were prepared for the worst today. However, things have gone very smoothly. We had to wake up early to take a taxi to the airport. (Rush hour traffic in Saigon is truly a sight to see.) Once we got to the airport we were a little surprized at the difference in the domestic terminal versus the international one we flew into Saturday night. (It makes the greyhound bus station look like the Ritz.) We had an interesting flight. We had just started taxiing when Sarah announced De Dia! I am sure the spelling is incorrect but that means I have to go potty NOW! When I told her she would have to wait until the seatbelt sign went off, she wailed and announced more loudly DE DIA!!! Finally, several minutes later I was able to take her. She is amazing! She was able to hold it all that time without an accident. Midway through the flight she fell asleep across our laps and all was good except for the poor woman directly behind us who vomitted for at least a half an hour. Those of you who know me well, know that is the one bodily function I just can't handle. It may have been that or the unidentfiable entree they insisted on giving us, but nevertheless, I felt ill.
When we finally arrived in Hanoi we took a taxi to the hotel. That was an adventure. The driver got the address incorrect and took us to a very seedy part of town. We were relieved when he finally got us to the right hotel. It is a pleasant place to stay. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a living space. Sarah has enjoyed having the freedom to run around from room to room.
Her disposition today is much better than yesterday. She has been happy most of the day. She has enjoyed playing with the airplane that Sam and Marli got her and the dolls that Tim got her. She has also intently looked at her photo album of the family. She had her first chicken nugget and seemed to like it. But mostly she liked the french fries. Yes, Heather, we will have to get her and Simon together for a french fry date.
Yes, Bella Sarah has been wearing your sandals. And although she isn't fond of wearing shoes, she tolerates your sandals best of all.
The weather here is warm but has rained very steady since we arrived. Looking at the forcast, it looks as though it will be much of the same for at least the next week.
Tomorrow we go to apply for Sarah's passport and have our interview for her immigration visa at the U.S. consulate office.

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