Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A new day a new beginning

Today was full of lots of emotions. Sarah had several times today where she grieved for her foster mother and showed her anxiety to be a part of her new life with us. But through her sadness it was reassuring that she clung onto us.

We are all finding it frustrating to not be able to fully communicate with each other. We have gotten the important phrases down like potty, eat, sleep. But there are definatly times when she gets frustrated that we just don't understand what she is saying.

We went out to the market today and she enjoyed shopping. What can I say, a girl after my own heart. (Marli, I think she is going to like going to the mall with us.)

Tonight we had dinner with Hung, Cuc and Vy. It was so nice to have Hung around to translate what she was saying. He also worked with her to teach her the English words.

Tomorrow morning we fly to Hanoi to process her Visa paperwork.


Hank said...

Love the pictures. She indeed does look happy!!!! Wishing you fast processing and a quick journey home for the big celebration!!!

The_Schells said...

We have been following your adoption through the Holt Vietnam page, and it has been such a blessing to watch this process! Thank you for sharing the journey as it has helped as we look toward all the unknowns in bringing our own daughter home from Danang this coming winter! May God bring you back to the rest of your family safely.

ALex & Riann Schell

The Koehlers said...

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!! What a little beauty! You all look so happy, and she looks like she’s eating like a champ! (We'll have to get Sarah and Simon together for "french fry dates" and get some American meat on their bones) =) We have meals all set up for Grandma, Grandpa & kid-o's while you are gone. You will be amazed at how quickly she will pick up English, you'll be chatting up a storm in no time... hang in there. Our prayer is that this time you have together in Vietnam will be full of rich bonding, and a peace that transcends all understanding. We can't wait to see you all!
"The Koehler 6"