Saturday, October 6, 2007

The girls hit the town.

We awoke this morning to the first sunshine we have seen in Vietnam. A perfect day for our city tour. The only problem is that Dave is sick. (Fever, stomach issues, head, throat, you name it it hurts) It was a humid 75 degrees in our room and Dave is huddled up in his polar fleece jacket. Please pray that Dave gets well soon and that Sarah and I don't catch this. It will be a miracle if we two stay healthy. We definately regret sharing a bottle of water with him yesterday.
It was too late to cancel our tour again, so since we were paying for it Sarah and I hit the town together. We had a great guide named Kenny that took lots of picture for us and we (sorta kinda) could understand him. We saw several temples and pagodas. One of the pagodas was the One pillar pagoda. It was cool and as the name suggests it stnd on only one pillar. We also went to the Mausulim of Ho Chi Mihn. (Considered to be a revered leader among the Vietnamese people) We also walked the grounds of his presidential palace. This was also the site of Sarah's biggest meltdown so far. She had missed her nap, it was hot and she was MAD! After an almost one hour meltdown she finally fell asleep as we began the walking tour around the grounds. (20lbs feel sreally heavy when she is asleep and it is hot.) After her nap she awoke a different person. God must have known I couldn't take much more. We then went to the famous water puppet show. Sarah really liked this. Who knows, maybe we will drag Dave back here when he is feeling better. We declined the guide's offer to take us to a traditional vietnamese restaurant for dinner and instead went back to the hotel and had pizza and chicken nuggets. Good ole American comfort food.


Hank said...

Praying Dave recovers soon and you and Sarah stay healthy!

karen&jeff said...

Oh, poor Dave, terrible to be sick, but horrible to be sick and in another country. We are praying for a quick recovery and the virus skips you and Sarah...
love all the pics.
So glad you had a break in the weather so you could really see the country. i am sure it is beautiful. Can't wait to see you all.

The Koehlers said...

Dave, Sandy and Sarah,
Dave is certainly in our prayers, as are the girls that you don’t get the bug as well. We are sooo sorry Dave! We LOVE all of the pics! The one of her over the door of the play structure is fantastic!!! You should send it in to HI (Holt International) Families Magazine once you are home! Truly!!! She looks sooo happy! And what a beauty! She's certainly a Martin. The part about her eating butter made me giggle!. I don’t know if we told you but when we took Simon to the feeding specialists at RVMC, they said "Feed him straight butter if he'll eat it. No milk, just straight 1/2 and 1/2, and french fries & ice cream as often as possible." We had to totally change our idea of what was "healthy", because we know "low fat" is the best for us and our other bio children. But these little undernourished guys need the fat for proper brain development (among other things). So don’t feel guilty feeding her fried food and straight butter. Mixed with some fruit, veggies and meat she is getting just what she needs at this point. The Specialist said to us "With Simon, you have to think the opposite of how you are trained. He needs as many calories per bite as he can get…so if he'll dip his buttered toast in melted butter, frosting or Ranch ... encourage him to do so." I know, gross! But I trust they know what they are doing. She obviously is not resisting food, how fantastic! You are such naturals at this, how magnificent that you two obeyed the Lords still small voice and stopped the world to bring your daughter home. God knew you all needed each other! Thank you again for sharing your journey with us all. It is an indescribable gift! Prayers for your health, safety and quick return.
The Koehler 6