A friend recently told me if you want to make GOD laugh, just tell him YOUR plans. I couldn't agree more. I am quite convinced that God has had many laughs at my feeble attempts to "plan" my life.
God works in mysterious ways, and I am sure He has an incredible sense of humor. In His own remarkable ways, He lets us know that He is in control. He has let me know that in very real ways throughout my life, but never more directly than with the births of our three biological children and the adoption of Sarah Grace.
If you would have told me a year ago that we would be adopting a little girl from Vietnam, I would have told you, you were crazy. Our lives were full. We had three healthy, active children that kept us on our toes and very busy. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't at all opposed to the idea of adoption. It has always intrigued me. I was very excited for our friends when they chose to adopt. And, for a brief time after our oldest son was born when we were told our chances of having any more children were slim, we had looked into adoption ourselves. But, we were blessed with yet another unplanned pregnancy, so we figured adoption wasn't for us.
It wasn't until last July when a few families from our church that were in the throws of the adoption process, hosted an informational meeting open to anyone interested in learning more about the process. Interested I was, but not for myself. I had ulterior motives and besides, I was quite sure that although he agreed to attend with me, that there would be no way my husband would agree to the idea. No! I was there for Teresa! Teresa is a dear, longtime friend. She had two children the ages of my oldest two and had remarried a wonderful man with no biological children of his own. They had wanted to have a child together but had been unable to so far. I felt strongly that adoption was for them! Teresa's husband had to work the evening of the meeting, so David and I attended with her, for "moral" support.
What happened in our hearts that evening, was nothing short of a miracle. It was as though God was sitting over my shoulder giving me a deliberate nudge. I remember praying to myself on the way home "God, if these feelings are from you, you need to speak to David too." I knew as a couple we had talking about adoption quite often throughout our 16 year marriage but never as a reality for us.
Then, no sooner had I finished my silent prayer did David ask "So, what to you think?" Well, to make a long blog short we prayed and talked about this decision together and with our older children. And as a family, we decided to proceed with the process.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And do not lean on you own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes;... Proverbs 3:5-7
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