Yesterday was Sarah's 3rd Birthday! It was a day full of mixed emotions. Yes, we were happy that she was turing three. But, we were also sad that she wasn't home with us celebrating.
We managed our grief with "Shopping therapy!" A few weeks ago we went to town as a family and bought her birthday presents. We bought a new outfit and some fun new dolls. Holt, our adoption agency will allow us to send Sarah small, flat, lightweight items, that can be included in their weekly Fed-Ex packet to Vietnam. Our birthday package, when we were finally done putting it together, was neither small, flat or lightweight, but we sent it anyway and thankfully they made room and sent it on to her. We also felt the need to celebrate her birthday yesterday as well. We went to Toys R Us and let the kids pick out small toys that can be taken with us when we travel to get her. We also made cupcakes and had our own Birthday Party or should we say Pitty Party.